Loft Conversion in Kew Richmond

Loft Conversion in Kew Richmond

Richmond is a popular place to live and the property stock of Richmond is very suited to loft conversions. For our clients, a loft conversion in Richmond gives them the extra space they crave. Better still the Richmond loft conversion has increased property value handsomely.

 Attic Conversion in Kew Richmond

  • Job typeDouble bedroom with en suite
  • Property typeDetached
  • Reason for loft conversion: Maximise value and extra space for growing daughter
  • Project spec: Standard Spec
  • Extra features: No extra features
  • Client Feedback: “I was worried at the beginning as we live in a conservation area in Kew, but everything went well. We had excellent guidance. We are super excited about our loft. We now have another floor where we can put stuff and enjoy the space. The project has been completed on time with no issues”- Nicola
  • Project Manager’s perspective: “Straightforward project, happy about the result”
  • Planning: services provided by Architecture 100
  • Awards: Most Heavenly Builder at the FMB National Master Builder 

Mansard Conversion in Kew Richmond (After Photos)

Take a look at our projects in Kew Gardens

Can we help you see the potential of a professional loft conversion for your home?


Enquire today for a free loft conversion survey meeting with the City Lofts London team.
Alternatively you can call us directly on 020 8898 8299.
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